Friday, May 16, 2008

week 1

As I was reading through your post and everyone else’s in the class, I agree with a lot of things that was said. Now days, it is different than how things were many years ago. In addition to the traditional household (mom and dad/female and male) household, we have same sex households, single parent households etc., things change so rapidly that society can’t adjust quick enough.

Anyone that supports, takes care of, and attends to the need of a child or anyone, should be given credit as being a caregiver, whether you are related or not. I grew up in a somewhat traditional household, I always had both parents, but both parents worked, my mom never stayed home. My mom has really good friends that I call my godparents, when in fact they are not, but we are so close that’s what I refer to them as.

Since today’s society is ever changing, there are more working moms today, so I don’t think you failed as a parent, as long as someone is there to care for your child in your absence. My parents spend a lot of time with my nephew because my sister works a lot, but in her case that’s what’s best for her family so my parent step in sometimes to make sure my nephew gets the attention he needs when my sister is at work so he doesn’t feel neglected.

As far as cards??? I’ve seen many, many cards because I’m the type of person that needs to read every card I pick up in the card store. Sometime I find the perfect card, but sometimes it’s hard because the card says too much or it doesn’t say enough. Today in society everyone thinks what they want and defines things differently as far as providing love and support. Some may only think those cards are for lovers or for just parents or a brother or sister when in fact they can be for anyone. I also noticed, that I always find my self expressing my feelings better on paper than words, so cards really help me out…especially “Between you and me” cards.

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