Friday, June 6, 2008

week 4 reply to jenai

Jenai: I think there is no doubt that we live in society were women are devalued and constantly looked toward as sex objects instead of being viewed as equals. Through the years, we still see the same theme being applied, woman are seen as less important to men. In many movies we see women unimpressive in their roles, therefore enforcing the theme of degrading women. In movies where there are male hero's, we see that the women characters are less important and are only used in roles such as manipulators, sex objects, or just helpless victims. All of these things encourage people to think that women can be treated like this and reinforce stereotyping women as sex objects and thus devaluing their humanity. And not only are we devalued, we are discriminated against in the workplace with work functions….some seem to think women are not as capable as men. It’s sad that we deal with these things as woman….do you think it will ever get any better?


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