Friday, June 20, 2008

week 6 business post

Throughout this course, we've been discussing various issues with gender. I know it was mentioned before that individuals are timid about their gender status because they fear the outcome. Well, at my place of employment, my ex-boss is a lesbian. I've been working there for 7 years, but she hasn't come flat out and said she was a lesbian, ok, well she was drunk one night at a compnay function and slipped and referred to "Chris" her partner as a she, and not a he. And it was confirmed that "Chris" is a she...Now I have nothing against people dating the same sex, thats their business...but she just won't come flat out and admit that she goes that route. If thats the liftstyle she chooses to live then thats her...? I guess she fears the remarks that will be made from others...I'll never know

1 comment:

Prof.M said...

Yes, I know others in the education field that keep it on the down low. It must be so difficult for them not to talk about their partners when others bring them up. And, having to worry about the backlash in finding tenure and retention with a university because of the life style choices. What ever happened to judging someone on the quality of their work and their ability to be a team player etc.